I have another issue if someone could guide me in the right direction. I believe that my site keeps getting hacked or something fishy is going on. For the past week, i have had the background change to something completly not related to the Reaction template, and I have also had some files deleted that has messed the site up and I have had to fix. For example this morning, the Administrato/components/com_user was deleted, so I could not access any accounts in the backend. What are the best tools for securing my joomla website.
If you are referring to the login you sent on the 19th, I replied because I couldn't access your cpanel. I have just picked up the PM you have just sent me, and have logged in.
So far there has not been any problems. Still kinda worrys me as how this happend anyhow.
I mean the background was editing with overlayed text that said Hacked by and i forgot the name. I just can't figure out how they did that without having backend access or FTP access, and no one had none of these but me.