Lance Mayfield wrote:
I have spent hours on this thing, what am I doing wrong?
1. My color on the bottom part is off
2. MAIN MENU is showing up behind the logo.
3. and the rokstories are not showing up.
I am sure I followed the instructions to a T, but maybe I am just tired...
hi lance,
thanks for the admin details.
1. this seems to be a little bug. there is no background image set for the mainbody layout setting that you are using (sidebar-a = 5 columns, mainbody = 7 columns).
i will check with the developers to find out more info.
2. you setup the main menu module just fine, but you forgot to hide the module title in the module parameters as seen in the screenshot.
This image is hidden for guests.
Please log in or register to see it.
3. your first rokstories article is correctly set up, but you did not upload an image with the name that you used in the rokstories article code.
returns a 404 error, if that image does not exist, rokstories can not display it.
please also check the rokstories tutorial here for further info: