Having some trouble replicating the menu from the demo. I'm using a vertical menu on teh left sidebar, and in the demo (and other themese I've used before including this theme) The menu disappears and the little box with three lines shows up that opens the menu when clicked. It's not working on a site I'm putting together, and for the life of me I cannot figure out why.
So the module I just set to header-a and the menu control in the backend of the template I set to header-a as well. It moved positions, but still does not work right. Seems the setting in the template doesnt realy do anything for me... It's werid. I'm sure I've overlooked something. Thanks for the continued support even though this is the free template
Edit: I installed the rocket launcher version to compare the menu module and the setting in the backend. I can't find the difference...
I don't think that you can have two copies of the RokNavMenu menu on the same page. Can you try to disable menu module in the module manager and use only menu configured in the template configuration?