on my site
there is an issue with the autoplay strips module. It does not automatically play and when I click the arrow to view more items the loading circle appears for infinity. Not sure what the issue is here, but can somebody assist.
you're getting JS error on the page. Make sure that all RT products are up-to-date (backup before updating anything), clear server and browser cache after you have updated. Please would you post your URL, superuser id and pswd in the secure tab of your post and i'll have a look for you.
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.
Ok I tracked one JS error down to your "AddThis - Bookmark and Sharing Tool" plugin which I have now disabled.
These errors with roksprocket are nearly always caused by a third-party plugin - The trouble is you have so many of them I don't know where to begin. So, what you need to do is disable all your third-party products one at a time (clearing server and browse cache between each change) until you find the culprit.
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.
You error is caused by a third-party component called "baforms" - disable this extension or contact the developer for assistance.
Thank you for warning me but really I think that you should be using a test site with placeholder images when asking for help in the forum - this is not something that I want to see.
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.
Hi, unfortuantely, I've still got this error message and I do not beleive it is the baforms causing it. When I turn that off compeltely, I still get the error. More importantly, I have 2 other RokSprockets on the same page that work perfectly fine.
Now you have a different error message being caused by ecwid extension (see screenshot).
Regards, Mark.
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Thank you. While I appreciate your sarcasm over the time line, the reality is that this new issue occurred with standard updates.
Additionally, the one thing that is consistent is that it is THIS version/layout of the Roksprocket that is consistently breaking. The other 2 are loading fine on the same page without any errors. So it stands to reason that something may be wrong with the Strips layout of this module since it has broken with 2 separate and unrelated extensions.
Roksprocket is actually a collection of programs to support each of the layout types that can be used within roksprocket. The different types of roksprocket work in different ways. The roksprocket headlines and the roksprocket features that you have on the page load all of the page content in one go and use javascript to toggle the visibility of the items. In the case of roksprocket strips it only loads sufficient items to render on the page, it then uses AJAX calls to load additional content.
Ajax calls are the browser asking for more data from the server. The data returned from the server is in the form of a JSON data string. The are very strict protocols on the structure of a a JSON data string. If anything at all disrupts the JSON data string then it is no longer correct and is unreadable by the program requesting the data. In your case there is an extension (ECWID) adding an error message in the middle of the data string so this is why the strips roksprocket breaks and the other two types of roksprocket do not.
If you were to disable your Ecwid extension I am pretty sure that your roksprocket would then start working. So, the issue that needs to be resolved is why Ecwid is issuing that error message. You will need to resolve that with the developer of that product.
The more extensions and plugins that you add to a website the more likely it is that some of them will clash so it's always best to keep them to a minimum.
You may like to try this workaround... Go to global configuration > error level and set it to "none" this should hide that error message your are getting from Ecwid (it doesn't fix it, it just stops is showing) and this might stop the roksprocket JSON string from being corrupted.
So, in summery anything on the server that issues an error message will corrupt the JSON data string and will break roksprocket types that use AJAX calls.
I hope that helps.
Regards, Mark.
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