I have this file in my logs which is growing and growing :
it seems to be a log file. then why calling it .php ?!!!
Anyway, it is loggin errors from a component that I do not use anymore : com_rokgallery as I replaced it by RokSprocket
2016-10-30T12:55:17+00:00 NOTICE rokcommon Directory /components/com_rokgallery/lib do
es not exist. Unable to add to Class Loader
2016-10-30T12:55:17+00:00 NOTICE rokcommon Unable to find registered container config file rokgallery at /components/com_rokgallery/container.xml
Rokgallery component is desactivated, and there is no module or anything calling it.
How can we disable this log file or at least stop him writing all those logs ?! This is impacting my website as it's consuming free disk space ! thx !
Please post your URL, Username and Password in Secure Tab and i will take a look and maybe figure out what the problem is.
FTP info with Username and password is also necessary ...
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