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Re: Will Rokbox compatible with Picture-in-Picture?
Posted 4 years 8 months ago
But there is no list of extensions that will not be supported in Joomla 4. They even wrote in the comments that they would inform about this later. So is there now a list of extensions that will not be supported in Joomla 4?
And there is only information about the templates, but no information about the extensions.
Re: Will Rokbox compatible with Picture-in-Picture?
Posted 4 years 8 months ago
None of our extensions "rok" will be supported on Joomla 4. J 3.9.10 will be available for 2 years after release of J4 and we will continue to support them on that for those two years.
The point is moot really since J4 will almost certainly mandate substantial other changes in your site, not least will be a change of framework, template, your content, and any third-party extensions that you use too.
Regards, Mark.
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Re: Will Rokbox compatible with Picture-in-Picture?
Posted 4 years 8 months ago
Even the RokCandy extension will not work in Joomla 4 ??? This is a unique extension, I did not see analogues for it, why will it not work ?? How is it related to Gantry 4? I deleted Gantry 4 long ago and all of these extensions work great with Gantry 5. What can I replace RokCandy with? Is there any solution for this problem?
You did only news about templates for Joomla 4. But you did not make special news about extensions for Joomla 4 and how they can be replaced and use another solution.
Re: Will Rokbox compatible with Picture-in-Picture?
Posted 4 years 8 months ago
I am not sure what you want me to say. Joomla 4 is a fundamental rewrite of the Joomla core. As such it requires major changes to all products that use it and integrate with it. Rokcandy is not dependent upon Gantry 4 but it does integrate with Joomla. It uses an ancient version of Mootools which is no longer supported and unlikely to work in Joomla 4 (it might but it will be more luck than judgement if it does). Joomla 4 is not even in beta testing yet - all deadlines for it have failed to be met for the past 2 years. In my opinion Joomla 4 is not going to happen anytime soon (despite what "news" might tell you). We've laid some preparatory ground in our development for Gantry 5, it's templates, and it's particles. We've not done anything with Gantry 4 or the extensions because we feel the leap will be too great for products that are over a decade old now. We've only been maintaining our extensions to keep pace with PHP versions (where we can) and retiring other extensions to "legacy" status.
I reiterate again, there is no need to worry about Joomla 4 for the foreseeable future, the official release version of it is months away and we can't complete our final evaluation of what is required for our products until that happens. Then we're going to have to do months of updating Gantry 5 and all of it's templates. If that happens more quickly than we anticipate and it turns out that things are easier than they look right now then maybe we might revisit the extensions but I think that is unlikely. Joomla 3.9.10 will be released at the same time as Joomla 4 official release to ensure that you can carry on using Joomla 3 for at least a further two years.
Joomla 4 news has been reporting/warning for the past two years that it will be a major change and that extensions, templates, and even content is unlikely to work on it without change. When Joomla 4 is released, and we know exactly what it is, then we will put more information on our site. Until that time we're just guessing and giving an opinion.
Regards, Mark.
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