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Custom modules problem?

  • Custom modules problem?

    Posted 15 years 9 months ago
    • Just getting going on Joomla and PHP in general (I'm a Rails programmer).

      So, I'm digging around in the default installation of Rocketpack Catalyst theme, specifically in the Advert Custom Modules. All I did was open the module editor, hit the HTML, look at the code, and then hit the save button. When I did this, I lost the button that was laid out to the left of the copy.

      I checked it out in Firefox (Firebug), and the "working" divs (the ones that have their equivalent button) have an additional div that has a call to a style that links to the button. So, I added that to the missing button section, saved the module, and refreshed my browser. And, it still wasn't there.

      So, is this a bug? Or, am I missing something fundamental here? I thought custom modules just inserted code.


      P.s. The site is at www.tempusgroup.com/alpha/ if you want to see what I'm talking about.
  • Re: Custom modules problem?

    Posted 15 years 9 months ago
  • Re: Custom modules problem?

    Posted 15 years 3 months ago
    • I have done the same thing. I've now turned the switch off.

      Now, how do I get the Advert Module back to the way it was origionally?
      Do I have to reinstall everything?

      Thanx in advance.
    • Don De's Avatar
    • Don De
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    Re: Custom modules problem?

    Posted 15 years 3 months ago
    • Hello guys!
      First of all, yes, TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor does strip the code but, it also offers the option to turn off "the Cleaning method"->disable all the cleaning features in TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor.
      2nd, for your little images to show on you must write the apropriate sintax, that is,
      <div class="featured-1 png"></div><span class="featured-header">Lorem Ipsum</span><span class="featured-desc">Lorem Ipsum</span>.

      <div class="featured-1 png">->replace the number 1 to 4 with the images you want to show.
      <div class="featured-1 png">
      <div class="featured-2 png">
      <div class="featured-3 png">
      <div class="featured-4 png">
      I hope this will help you.

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