So I spent a few days over the last couple weeks playing around and just happened to come up with this. Hope you like it!
Afterburner Mobile is based on Rockettheme's Afterburner template "the fastest Joomla template ever." It balances speed and mobile compatibility with a full feature set.
Awesome work! Have you messed around with getting J! to switch to this template automagically if a mobile device is detected or using it as a subdomain with switching?
Thanks Richard. I have looked into auto loading styles, and a few third party extensions available on the JED, but there's something in the works here at RT that I expect will blow it all out of the water. Until then I will just recommend you try these out until you find something suitable:
Thanks for the report. I'm not sure why both versions were loaded on your site. By default both are enabled but the google code was written to remove any previous version. Do you happen to have an extension installed that calls up mootools?