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Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

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    Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

    Posted 13 years 1 month ago
    • When I look at all websites that use the Grunge theme, the date seems to be displaying twice. Once above the title of the post and another below the title.

      It's kind of redundant to have two show the same exact thing. How would i remove the date being shown above the title?

      Also, not sure if this is relating to this date issue, but when you go to my site, www.seangodfrey.com/ , you can see the date above and below the post title. However when you go to demo.rockettheme.com/wordpress/?theme=grunge the date does not show twice... BUT instead of the date there is a graphic of a paper with scotch tape on it that displays the date.

      Is there something wrong with the theme so that we don't get the same type of date style and it displays the full date twice rather than the scotch tape with the date inside of it?

      Really would like to get this working like it is on the demo page.

      Also to note, what I've also seen from my and other people's Grunge theme is that the Read More and Comments button do not display rather we get text links instead.
    • Cliff Pfeifer's Avatar
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    Re: Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

    Posted 13 years 1 month ago
    • Hi, it looks like you are missing some code. I'm not sure if you made a modification to the file or it's just not there. Either way, open your home.php in the html folder of your theme directory, on line 69 through 73 you should have this:
      <!-- Begin Date & Time -->
      <div class="contentdate"><span class="createdate"><!--<?php _re('Posted on'); ?> --><span><?php the_time('d.m.y'); ?></span></span></div>
      <!-- End Date & Time -->
      That div is not showing in your site code, only the span is.

      Also, the button code I'm seeing on your site isn't consistent with the demo, or the source files. I'm not sure why. Can you also verify that you have this code on lines 127 through 129 in the same file
      <div class="readon">                                             
      <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><span><?php echo $gantry->get('blog-readmore'); ?></span></a>

      Let me know.
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    Re: Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

    Posted 13 years 1 month ago
    • Just checked. The home.php has both sets of code that you listed.

      I haven't done any editing to any of the files so not sure what's causing the issue. When I looked at another website that uses the same template, I noticed that they also have the same issue with the dual-dates and not having the comments or read more buttons. The link is here: thecoolestwebsiteontheinternet.com/

      I'm not associated with that website. I noticed it from a different post in this forum category. Wanted to check it out and noticed the same issue on their site.

      I'm not sure what else it could be.

      Thanks for the speedy reply!


      I was just browsing this forum and noticed this thread: www.rockettheme.com/forum/index.php?f=29...45672&rb_v=viewtopic

      The user is having the same issue but he noticed that the template changed after the latest Gantry update. Could that be the culprit? Could Gantry not be reading the correct code for the buttons of the graphic with the date?

      A couple more things that I notice are missing from my version compared to the demo version on the RocketTheme site:

      The page title "demo content" on my site does not match the demo content page title on the RT demo page. It's not the same style as the demo version. Also the reddish bar under the demo content on the RT demo page is missing under my demo content. And the Featured Image on my page is on the right side of the post where the RT demo page has the Featured image on the left.

      Just to reiterate, I have not edited any files. It was like this from the install.
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    Re: Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

    Posted 13 years 1 month ago
    • I gotcha. The code just isn't in your source code - there should be a div wrapping those elements that provides the style, but it's not there. With no div, there is no style. The only thing I can think of is that your site is loading a different file that may not have that code in it - like index.php. Usually the assigned posts page should load home.php, it depends on your Wordpress settings. You can try and add the code I gave you to index.php - replace lines 51-55 with the first code and lines 164 to 166 with the second code. Let me know if that works.
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    Re: Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

    Posted 13 years 1 month ago
    • Ok... i just tried something out and I don't know if it will break my theme....

      Through FTP, I renamed my index.php to home.php then renamed the old home.php to index.php... and it's working. It's looking EXACTLY like the demo WP theme.

      So I think it's working. Yay!

      Can you check it out for me and see if it's working as it's supposed to? www.SeanGodfrey.com

      Will renaming both files to the other name cause issues?

      If it's okay to rename then and it doesn't cause problems, the culprit is just that someone published the wrong filename in the .zip for the html directory.

      The reason I renamed them was because after looking at both files, they had basically the same info in them. Just that the original home.php had a few extra lines of code. Since you asked me to add those lines to the index.php, I figured that one might have been a previous version.
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    Re: Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

    Posted 13 years 1 month ago
    • OMG! HELP!

      Okay, I'll try to be calm.

      I was in the dashboard and I was trying to delete the default themes from WP. I wanted to check something and I activated one of the default WP themes. I deactivated it then reactivated Grunge but it didn't retain ANY of its settings.

      Now my template has nothing on it and a TON of widgets in the Inactive Widgets section. I tried re-installing the Grunge theme and it didn't work.

      I'm at a total loss. I have no idea how to get all of the widgets back into place so that my site looks normal again.

      Figures that something like this would happen after getting the design to look the way it was supposed to :/
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    Re: Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

    Posted 13 years 1 month ago
    • Hi, changing home to index shouldn't be a problem. They are pretty much the same thing, one is a default and the other is the blog layout.

      On your widgets, that is just the way Wordpress works, when you de-activate a theme it resets it to the defaults. I've done the same thing before, there isn't anything you can do other than re-build it.
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    Re: Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

    Posted 13 years 1 month ago
    • Thanks Cliff. I think I'll just uninstall WP and reinstall a fresh version of the rocketlauncher version. I didn't have any content added except the custom logo and the RokStories. Easy enough to ad them again.

      I wish WP had a feature to save Widget locations per theme.

      Oh well. Thanks again!
    • Zube's Avatar
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    Re: Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

    Posted 13 years 1 month ago
    • Ok, this should be the last question I have...

      First, I reinstalled the rocketlauncher of Grunge, fixed all of the changes I made and it's working fine.

      Something I noticed though, even on the first version of the page I had, is that even when the date and time is set to show 12 hours instead of the 24 hour format, all of the posts and pages have the 24 hour format shown instead of the 12 hour format.

      Does the theme itself call for the display of the 24 hour format? If so, where would I change it?

      Example: www.seangodfrey.com/2011/10/14/testing-rokstories/

      From under the title.
      Last Updated on Friday, 14 October, 2011 17:38 Written by Sean - 0 Comments

      From under the post
      This entry was posted on Friday, October 14th, 2011 at 05:32 PM and is filed under RokStories

      The date is showing correctly under the post in the comment area but the date of the actual post is in the 24 hour format.

      Oh, one last thing...

      the difference between home.php and index.php in the html folder is small, barring a few things that was pointed out before. But there is one difference I can't figure out. the home.php has the ability to have clickable/linkable post titles while the index.php does not have the same ability. What would I have to add from the home.php file to the index.php file so that both files have the ability to have clickable/linkable post titles?
    • Cliff Pfeifer's Avatar
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    Re: Grunge Theme - Date displays twice on posts, how to remove?

    Posted 13 years 1 month ago
    • Hi, in which ever file you are using find this code for the modified date
      <span class="modifydate"><?php _re('Last Updated on'); ?> <?php the_modified_date('l, d F, Y H:i', '<span>', '</span>'); ?></span>
      Then this code comes from single.php - single post page, div class rt-post-footer
      <?php _re('on'); ?> <?php the_time('l, F jS, Y') ?> <?php _re('at'); ?> <?php the_time() ?>
      These links give you more insight into how wordpress does this:

      This is the code in home.php for the title, you can see link wapping the permalink. That's all there is to it.
      <h2 class="contentheading">
      <span><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></span>

      Welcome to the wonderful world of Wordpress Loop editing.
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