Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) chapelco and Stratos theme
Posted 4 years 5 months ago
we running some sites using chapelco and Stratos theme, but size last month google started to display a higher value for Cumulative Layout Shift, I did some research and discovered that issue is coming from Gantry Menu.
Re: Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) chapelco and Stratos theme
Posted 4 years 5 months ago
This not really a significant item. What version of stratos are you using?
Your subscription appears to have expired. Support does require a current subscription.
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.
Re: Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) chapelco and Stratos theme
Posted 4 years 5 months ago
First of all, I don't see this as an "issue". It's more about performance tuning and optimisation which is not a service that we provide as part of this support forum.
Next, both Stratos and Chapelco are very old templates using Gantry 4. All our development effort now goes into Gantry 5 and our own GRAV CMS - therefore it's unlikely that we would make any further changes to either of those themes unless it was a major bug (which this is not).
Finally, I can see that you are using Cloudflare - this can often break things and indeed, on your site, you are getting JS erros in the browser console (this may or may not contribute to the item you raise).
So, no, regretably, I don't think that I would be able to assist further even if you did purchase a subscription.
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.