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Migrate from Joomla to Wordpress

  • Migrate from Joomla to Wordpress

    Posted 10 months 2 weeks ago
    • I've a Joomla website with a RT template and I would like to migrate the website to Wordpress.

      Could it be possible (and easy) to do it?
      It would be correct this process?

      1. Install a new wordpress pack
      2. Install the same template (for WP)
      3. Import the joomla content
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    Re: Migrate from Joomla to Wordpress

    Posted 10 months 2 weeks ago
    • If the template is a Gantry 5 template, yes... depending how you have modules setup would be the main issue... if you have a lot of content in Joomla modules (vs Gantry Particles) all of that has to be manually migrated... there are import plugins that will migrate all your joomla articles to wordpress posts... wordpress has a concept of "Pages" though that Joomla does not have so any non-blog pages will need to be manually created.

      All of your settings, data, content that's loaded/set directly on Gantry Outlines lives in /custom/config/ --- you can directly copy this over... however, any thing that talked to the CMS, like a "Position Particle" or the "Joomla Articles" particle (or any slider that's pulling in Joomla articles) will essentially need to be deleted and rebuilt... all your Particles with static content should be fine.
    • Last Edit: 10 months 2 weeks ago by Matt.
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