I've just created a template override for my Panacea template so that I can have default template not included the "billboard" area at the top and the override template includes the billboard area. After doing this my roknavmenu drop downs only work on the homepage (which uses the override template). Subpage drop downs act like Javascript is not enabled and some of the styling is messed up. This is on a development domain at this time. BROKEN LINK REMOVED Right now I have maximum error reporting on and it's showing a parsing issue with the /language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_roknavmenu.ini file, but even if I remove the lines that are showing errors an therefore clear the parsing error, I still have the same issue with the drop downs in the nav. Can anyone shed some light on what might be causing this?
Almost all the validation errors were being caused by a missed closing span forward slash in /templates/rt_panacea_j16/html/com_content/category/blog_item.php line 143. Do you know where I should report that oversight?
At any rate, that didn't fix the issue with the drop downs on subpages. Any other suggestions?
The only place I know of for gzip compression is in the global configuration, which it was already turned off there. Interesting that if I disable "more articles" feature it makes the drop downs on the hompage behave like they are on the subpages, but it doesn't effect the subpages drop downs.
Well, something is wrong on your site because as far as I can see not all css files are loaded. Which SEF URL extension are you using? Can you try to turn it off? Also, please try to turn off cache
We are just using the out-of-the-box Joomla! SEF URL settings via global configuration and the .htaccess file that comes with the standard install. Disabling it SEF URL doesn't change anything. Cache has never been turned on.
I strongly believe that this file is causing your troubles. Start disabling Joomla plugins and see if any of them is making problems. I can't suggest you anything else. Try to clear already that Joomla cache as I suggested. It might help