for one of my projects I am using the plain gantry template came with gantry 4.1.13 framework. How to update font awesome icon set to its latest version.
LOL I am replying to my self .........
This is very important please help me out....my client wants skype and youtube and a few more icons which are not included in gantry's fontAwesome icon set.
i followed the procedure from the above post but it messing up other elements.......the download given in that post is also not working- all the icons are gone.......i tried clearing the template cache, less cache after the changes, but of no use.
I've got the same issue.
Can't update the Font Awesome.
Tried using a method from index.php?f=720&t=201256&rb_v=viewtopic#p985755
and in my Oculus theme icons in Contacts module were... just gone on my test site at localhost.
(I didn't edit the code in the module).
move font files in an easy to access location on your webserver such as /var/www/fonts
move font-awesome's less directory into your template's less directory
rename font-awesome's less directory to font-awesome
edit font-awesome/paths.less to point to /fonts as the path for font-awesome
move font-awesome/font-awesome.less up to your less dir
edit font-awesome.less to not load core.less or bootstrap.less
rename font-awesome.less to font-awesome-custom.less
recompile less files (usually by just clearing caches (browser and server) and reloading page
You may have to adjust the paths depending on your server config. If your template doesn't use less you need to adjust by compiling the less yourself with something like less.app and importing it in your rt_tempate-name-custom.css file.
apologies that you did not get any response from our team yet, but just wanted to let you know that we added the new font-awesome support to gantry 4.1.17.
The problem with that approach is that it loads the font awesome core and bootstrap again which interferes with the templates. So if you are going to use Gantry's updated font awesome be sure to comment out the core and bootstrap less files when they are included by gantry's font-awesome.less I tried to migrate to this method, but couldn't get it to not wreck the template.