Works fine. But when clicking on Next or pages (e.g., /blog/page/2) the Outline reverts to something similar to the home page outline.
I can't seem to figure out what Page Context is correct (having tried nearly all of them). I have found many "similar" but not quite the same problems in the threads. Some even marked as Solved but with no solution publicly given.
This seems like it must be an easy fix... but we just can't seem to figure it out.
How do you have your Assignments Tab setup? There's lots of options... stick to Menu Items only if you can help it... if you have conflicting Outlines assigned to your Blog, or the Posts/Post Types/Categories therein that could be your issue
SEARCH the forum first! These boards are rich in knowledge and vast in topics. This includes searching just the 'Solved' forums, using Google, and using ChatGPT