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SOLVED Login Particle & Widget Questions

    • Maria Dacus's Avatar
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    SOLVED Login Particle & Widget Questions

    Posted 3 years 2 months ago
    • I'm using the latest version of WP with Gantry and the Phoenix template. I'm having an issue with widgets in general, and the login in particlular.

      1) I can't find an answer to how do I assign a widget to a position, but only on a specific page. So, if I want the contact page to have my address in the sidebar-a position, how do I get it so it doesn't show on the about me page?

      2) I want to put a Login Widget in the Popup Particle, but I can't figure that out either. There is a list of available widgets and none of them are my login widget. I found some tutorials on how to add a custom widget, but I can't find my "theme/widget..." directory. I also saw some information on a Login Particle, but I can't find that either.

      I'm sorry if these questions have already been answered. I've been doing a lot of work arounds that are working, but I doubt they are best practice. (Like having a separate outline in gantry for every page on my site).
    • Last Edit: 3 years 2 months ago by Maria Dacus.
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    • MrT's Avatar
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    Re: Login Particle & Widget Questions

    Posted 3 years 2 months ago
    • I answered 1 on your other topic

      The popupwidget particle only shows wordpress widgets that would show in the appearance > widgets page normally. To that end,m you would need to have a plugin installed that is capable of showing a login form.

      Even then, popupwidget particle is not great - and it's better to get a native widget that can do the popup for you and assign that widget to a widget position in the first place.

      Regards, Mark.
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