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How to create new pages

  • How to create new pages

    Posted 1 year 9 months ago
    • Hello,
      I have been using Gantry 5 for a short time and I need some help with a basic problem for which I have not found any answers.
      Simply, it is a matter of how to create new pages connected to the content defined in the outlines.
      In fact, I tried to create a page using Wordpress' own creation module and connecting to it the outline I produced. The problem is that the resulting page on the site has a typical wordpress page format, for example with a right menu that I did not ask for (e.g. recent posts, comments, archives).
      My question then is: how to create an outline and make it appear perfectly as it is on a page on my site that is mysite.com/myNewOutline?
      I'm actually searching for something like a step-by-step manual.
      Thank you very much
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    Re: How to create new pages

    Posted 1 year 9 months ago
    • Hello,

      To create a new page using a specific Gantry 5 outline, you need to assign that outline to a specific WordPress page. Here are the steps you need to follow:

      Create a new outline in Gantry 5 admin.

      Design the layout and add particles in your new outline.

      Create a new WordPress page.

      Go to Gantry 5 admin > Assignments tab of your new outline.

      In this tab, you will see a list of all WordPress pages. You need to select the page you just created.

      Save the outline.

      This will make your new page use the outline you designed in Gantry 5, and it will override the default WordPress theme's page layout.

      Also, make sure that in your WordPress page editor, you are not selecting a page template that includes a sidebar or any other elements you don't want to appear on your page. You typically want to choose a 'Full Width' or 'No Sidebar' template if available.

      I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

    • karolorzel.com

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