cjes wrote:
Hi Arifin
I was wondering if this trick with mycustomstyle.css is also possible for non-Gantry templates.
If so could you please explain how to set this up?
For non-Gantry templates, you can also put custom css file, but you will need to hack the template index.php
1) Put the mycustomcss.css file in your template/<template name>/css/ folder
2) You will need to edit the index.php. Open your template index.php at:
<Joomla Root>/templates/<your template name>/index.php
Find below codes:
Change the codes to:<link href="template/<template name>/css/mycustomcss.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Adjust the <template name> with your actual template name, for example: rt_solarsentinel_j15