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Variation on Gantry settings not responding

    • bondi's Avatar
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    Variation on Gantry settings not responding

    Posted 13 years 9 months ago
    • I've read the other posts on the admin freezing but mine seems to be a little different. My suspicion is it has something to do with mootools but I can't figure out how.

      Here is what I'm experiencing...

      When I go to my template admin (Zephyr 1.5.1) some of the dropdowns are functional but ultimately don't do anything. None of the sliders work and I can only see 3 of the presets. There is no scroll bar and the others are not available. When I click on them nothing happens- they're frozen.

      How I got here...

      I am upgrading a clients site from SolarSentinel template that we installed earlier this year.
      I haven't had a chance to "repurpose" all the modules etc.. to the new postions.

      I used Akeeba to move the existing site to a subdomain for upgrading. The first time I set zephry as the default all seemed to work I changed the preset setting and it "took". Then I went back to make some more changes and everything started freezing up. I could make changes but they no longer took effect on the site.

      I noticed their was a new version of Gantry available so I thought upgrading might help and couldn't hurt so I upgraded to the lates 3.1.5. That seems to have caused the issue. Now none of the javascript on the home page e.g. RokStories (upgraded) work either.

      I tried downgrading Gantry and no change.

      I do not have the mootools plugin published. I've tried using different browsers and Firefox to debug but I don't really understand how firebug works....

      Here is my environment..

      Joomla 1.5.22
      php 5.2.13
      Zephyr 1.5.1
      Gantry 3.1.5

      Please help. I've never had issues like this before and I'm panicking..

      The site is here.. new2011.goproductsusa.com
      The original site is www.goproductsusa.com
    • David Goode's Avatar
    • David Goode
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    Re: Variation on Gantry settings not responding

    Posted 13 years 9 months ago
    • Post duplicated in error. Original is here www.rockettheme.com/forum/index.php?f=33...18461&rb_v=viewtopic

      This thread now closed to avoid confusion.

    • Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information

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