Re: SOLVED How Do You Install Google Analytics With Gantry?
Posted 8 years 10 months ago
Hi, in the meantime I have been able to resolve the issue. The solution was as follows: click on Components -> Gantry 5 Themes -> Click Configure for the Theme for which you want to enable Google Analytics -> click on Page Settings -> Go to the Atoms settigs at the bottom of the screen -> Drag 'n Drop the Google Analytics 'box' to the white space under the three Atoms -> Click on the gear icon to Configure Google Analytics. After this the statistics showed up. I did all this before but without drag 'n drop the Google Analytics box and then nothing happens.
Re: SOLVED How Do You Install Google Analytics With Gantry?
Posted 6 years 4 months ago
This topic may be cold but I would appreciate a clarification. Are there two atoms required to set this up? (1) The Google Analytics atom only seems to cater for the tracking ID which is in the format UA-xxxxxx-x. (2) The custom CSS/JS atom to paste in the actual tracking code as shown
Albert's contribution 2 years ago indicates that the configuration then was different; that there was a "... Google Analytics 'box' to the white space under the three Atoms -> Click on the gear icon to Configure Google Analytics."
There is nothing in the google analyics atom that allows me to insert tracking code, only the tracking ID.