SOLVED Using Rocket themes templates of Gantry 4 and 5 simultanouesly
Posted 2 years 5 months ago
Hello, I’ve been using Joomla 3 CMS before and now I’m ready to upgrade to Joomla 4.2.2. I wonder if I can use different templates of both Gantry 4 and 5 version simultanouesly, applying Joomla 4.2.2.? So that I’d like to use Rocket Theme templates of both Gantry 4 and 5 version at the same time, meanwhile I use Joomla 4.2.2. CMS.
Looking forward to your soon reply and if you have any experience with the above mentioned situation.
Re: SOLVED Using Rocket themes templates of Gantry 4 and 5 simultanouesly
Posted 2 years 5 months ago
Nope because Gantry 4 does not work on Joomla 4 at all. Neither do any of the old RT "rok" extensions either.
What you can do is stay on Joomla 3 and then install Gantry 5 and a G5 template alongside your G4 template. But you MUST make Gantry 5 the default template. Then, once you have got your site working on G5 and a G5 template, you can uninstall G4 and it's template and "rok" extensions and then update to Joomla 4.
Regards, Mark.
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Re: SOLVED Using Rocket themes templates of Gantry 4 and 5 simultanouesly
Posted 2 years 5 months ago
Yes. Anything from Callisto onwards is a G5 template.
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.