SOLVED Module positions only appearing on some pages?
Posted 2 years 2 months ago
Hi all, Just begining to get my head around Gantry 5 with Joomla 4 and have an oddity I cant fathom!? Using Hydrogen (v5.5.15 / g5_hydrogen) theme.
On a simple test site (shared hosting, Joomla 4.2.5 runing PHP 8.0.24) I have a five pages tied to the Default outline and one to the Home Outline. Withing the both outlines is a Breadcrumb postion inheritied from the Base template. The Breadcrumb renders on the Home page but only only appears on 2 out of the remaining 5 Default outline pages!?
I have checked ALL the pages and can confirm that they are all allocated to their correct outlines...
ANY assistance in pointing me in the right direction would by very much appreciated!! What have I missed?
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Re: SOLVED Module positions only appearing on some pages?
Posted 2 years 2 months ago
You've only assigned the breadcrumb module to three pages?
Regards, Mark.
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