I see that you have elevated folder permissions of 775 which aren't the recommended 755.
Also your Owner/Group values look odd.
For ownership or permission issues check:
Check your folder permissions here:Admin -> Site or System -> System Information -> Directory Permissions to ensure they're writeable - which is all GREEN (except configuration.php which should be RED)
Check folders have 0755 permissions and that files are 0644 and that Owner/Group are correct (you can use an FTP client or FPA mentioned below).
Specifically check the ../cache and the ../templates/rt_templateName/css-compiled folders.
check Admin -> Site or System -> System Information -> System Information Tab-> Web Server to PHP interface: apache2handler -or- CGI / FastCGI?
Joomla prefers CGI / FastCGI
It's rare that a hoster will correctly set your apache2handler Owner/Group settings after you've installed Joomla. This situation is negated when using cgi/fastCGI as the Web Server to PHP interface.