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Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.14

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    Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.14

    Posted 6 years 11 months ago
    • We get requests quite often for what particles are included in what template. So, I've finally relented and produced a matrix for you. I've managed to automate the production of this matrix so hopefully it should not be too onerous for me to maintain it for you.

      One big caveat though, just because a particle with the same name exists in several templates, it does not mean that it provides exactly the same functionality. As we develop new templates we tend to update existing particles with new features or to change their styling, we do not necessarily retrofit this functionality back to earlier templates. Please bear this in mind and always look at the demo of a template that contains the particle you are after to make sure it's what you want.

      I've attached the matrix as a PDF to make it easier for everyone to view it regardless of what platform/device they use.

      We will incorporate this Matrix into the Gantry 5 Docs too soon.

      Regards, Mark.
    • Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by MrT.
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    Re: Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.08

    Posted 6 years 8 months ago
    • Thanks for the work, really appreciated. Can we have an updated version of this available.

      Also, in this list, a small overview of their functions will be welcome, also a link for the download ????

      A real little directory will be welcome.
    • Last Edit: 6 years 8 months ago by Patrick Toulze.
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    Re: Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.08

    Posted 6 years 8 months ago
    • 1. I update it when we release a new template. It is up to date at present.

      2. Overview of functions - no, I automate this process and as I said in the chart, same name does not mean same functionality.

      3. Link to download, no. The particles are not separately downloadable - it's the theme you need to download and that is different download link dependent upon CMS you want it for.

      Regards, Mark.
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    Re: Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.08

    Posted 6 years 2 weeks ago
    • This matrix is a really good idea, but I can neither find the Callisto template nor the "Joomla Articles" particle in it... Is there a particular reason for that?

      Also, what defines the Gantry 5 "Core" particles? Some of them appear in the matrix, others don't... why?
    • Last Edit: 6 years 2 weeks ago by Carl L..
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    Re: Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.08

    Posted 6 years 2 weeks ago
    • Thanks for pointing that out, there was a slight mistake when generating the matrix (hence why Callisto was missing). I have now updated the ZIP above to v1.08.

      The "Joomla Articles" particle is actually called "contentarray" particle and is shown in the CORE PARTICLES below the matrix. Joomla articles particle is part of Gantry 5 core (rather than the template).

      Regards, Mark.
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    Re: Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.08

    Posted 6 years 2 weeks ago
    • Thanks for the updated version and the explanation of the Joomla Articles particle. However, with regard to the "Gantry 5 Core" particles, I still see some inconsistencies:

      a) If all such particles are part of Gantry 5 and not specific to a template, then the respective row for them in the matrix should have a "Yes" for each template that is based on Gantry 5. However, that is not always the case. For instance: Helium G5 and Interstellar (I assume you are referring to the G5 version) do not have "Yes" in the rows for the Social or the Logo particle.

      b) If *all* the "Gantry 5 Core" particles are indeed available in *all* the Gantry 5 templates, I wonder why those particles need to be shown in the matrix at all - or do some of them also appear in the templates of earlier Gantry versions?

      c) Why are only some of the Gantry 5 Core particles included in the maxtrix (e.g. Logo, but not Analytics)? Are those that have been included in the matrix available in Gantry versions before 5?

      d) What is the difference between the Logo and the Logos particles?

      As has been suggested by another RockethTheme user, it would be useful to have description of what each particles does (functionality), even if only a brief one.

    • Last Edit: 6 years 2 weeks ago by Carl L..
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    Re: Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.08

    Posted 6 years 2 weeks ago
    • a) No, the core particles (see screenshot) are shown under the main matrix and exist in every single template as they are part of CORE Gantry 5, there is no point in making that have a YES again every template because the answer is always YES. Those templates which do show a CORE named paticle are OVERRIDING the CORE Gantry 5 particle with other changes that are only specific to that template (where "Yes" is in the matrix).

      b) See my answer above, they don't. Only the OVERRIDE version of the CORE particle are shown in the Matrix.

      c) See my answer above.

      d) one shows a SINGLE logo and the other shows MULTIPLE logos.

      As the matrix states, just because a particle has the same name it does not mean it has the same functionality. It's not possible to add a description of what the particle does because:
      a) that could be different between templates
      b) This Matrix is huge and therefore has to be automatically generated from the templates themselves to stand any chance of keeping it up to date.
      c) Gaving found a particle that you are interested in (for a particular template) you can look at the rockettheme demos of said template and see the particle working and therefore be able to see exactly what it does.

      I will not be making any changes to how the matix is presented - It already takes me a lot of time to generate this and get it fitting on a single page.

      Regards, Mark.
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    Re: Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.08

    Posted 6 years 2 weeks ago
    • Thanks again. I absolutely agree with you that there is no point in showing "Yes" for each Core Gantry 5 particle in the matrix or even having it in the matrix in the first place - which is why I raised the question. Your answer now makes it clear that any Core Gantry 5 particle functionality in the matrix for which a template has a "Yes" in the relevant row does not exhibit its standard core G5 functionality, but one that is specific to that template. That is a clarification that would be useful to have in the PDF.
    • Dan Walker's Avatar
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    Re: Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.09

    Posted 5 years 7 months ago
    • Would really like the particle list incorporated into the G5 docs, as you mentioned over a year ago. The pdf is getting difficult to read.
    • Dan Walker - Web Designer & Developer @ Top Webs Network
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    Re: Gantry 5 Particles - "The Matrix" - V1.09

    Posted 5 years 7 months ago
    • The main link is on the rockettheme site since the particles are mostly RocketTheme products provided as part of RocketTheme templates rather than part of the Gantry 5 opensource project. https://rockettheme.com/images/common/particles_list.pdf

      Regards, Mark.
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