We get requests quite often for what particles are included in what template. So, I've finally relented and produced a matrix for you. I've managed to automate the production of this matrix so hopefully it should not be too onerous for me to maintain it for you.
One big caveat though, just because a particle with the same name exists in several templates, it does not mean that it provides exactly the same functionality. As we develop new templates we tend to update existing particles with new features or to change their styling, we do not necessarily retrofit this functionality back to earlier templates. Please bear this in mind and always look at the demo of a template that contains the particle you are after to make sure it's what you want.
I've attached the matrix as a PDF to make it easier for everyone to view it regardless of what platform/device they use.
We will incorporate this Matrix into the Gantry 5 Docs too soon.
Regards, Mark.
Last Edit: 4 years 4 months ago by MrT.
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