A requirement I often see mentioned in the forum is the desire to have a background video playing on website pages. So, I've created this atom which I've called "bgvideo". This atom will work on any Gantry 5 template and any of the CMS's that Gantry 5 supports.
1. To install it:
From the ZIP file copy bgvideo.yaml and bgvideo.html.twig to /templates/TEMPLATENAME/custom/particles (note you may need to create this folder).
From the ZIP file copy bgvideo.yaml and bgvideo.html.twig to /user/data/gantry5/themes/TEMPLATENAME/particles (note you may need to create this folder).
From the ZIP file copy bgvideo.yaml and bgvideo.html.twig to /wp-content/themes/TEMPLATENAME/custom/particles (note you may need to create this folder).
2. On you base outline > page settings - drag the bgvideo atom on to the atom section. Then click on the "settings" cog and add your local video files (mp4, ogv, webm) and SAVE.
Note that the video play beneath all other page content so if your header, footer, or other sections have background colors or images on them this will obscure the video beneath. I have added a checkbox that you can check (just for testing purposes) that will remove all the background colors and images from your sections but you should actually do this on the "styles" tab of your outline so that you can be more selective about this.
Regards, Mark.
P.s. If you are looking for some free videos to use try these links...
Last Edit: 5 years 4 days ago by MrT.
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