I am using Callisto 1.7.0 using Joomla 5.1.2 and it works fine. As mentioned... As long as you have updated to the latest version of Gantry 5 then it appears all templates that are 1.5 or greater work. Now again I am only using Callisto but give that one a try first. Works fine for me. If you want to be extra cautious then you should install a fresh Joomla 5.1.2 install on your server, install the latest version of Gantry, and then upload all of these templates you want to test and make sure they work to your satisfaction. That would be the very safest way to test.
But again my sites are working fine under Joomla 5.1.2 with Callisto 1.7.0 running Gantry 5.5.19
Hope that helps...
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