Hi, the easy way is to set "display component" to off in the template settings, as Henning mentioned earlier in this thread. If you need to do that only on a certain page, you can create a template override by making a copy of the template in the template manager, then assigning it to the page you want in the assignments tab. Then check the box and flip the switch for "Display Component" in the advanced tab.
Since you asked about the code, you can always find the body tag near the very top of the code, just after the <head>. This is the body tag seen on the link you provided:<body class="main-color-red font-family-helveticaneue font-size-is-default menu-type-fusionmenu inputstyling-enabled-1 typography-style-light col12 option-com-content menu-small-cars none">
There are many classes listed in the tag. Every time there is a space, it's a new class name. Near the end of the list you find "menu-small-cars" - the name of the page with "menu-" before it, that is the class you would use in the code:.menu-small-cars #rt-main{display:none;}
Hope that clears it up for you.