why are my readmore links opening inside the frontpage?
Posted 12 years 11 months ago
hi all,
this question came up many times now, so maybe it's time for a quick tutorial.
if you do have any readmore links displaying on your homepage, may that be inside frontpage articles (j1.5) or featured articles (j2.5) or any modules such as roktabs, rokstories, roknewsflash, roknewspager, roksprocket, etc. and you find out that those links are opening the full article inside the frontpage along with all your frontpage modules, then this is easy to change. in joomla 1.5
go to your gantry template settings, open the 'advanced' tab and find the setting for 'menu-less pages'. so what does menu-less mean? menu-less articles are articles that are used inside your joomla site that are not available through a specific menu item, i.e there is no menu item to open that article for example through a article layout or blog layout menu item.
this means that you are not able to assign specific modules to be displayed around those articles. now we have the 'menu-less pages' setting which allows us to assign those menu-less articles to be opened inside any chosen page. mostly this setting will be enabled by default and set to 'home', which will open menu-less articles inside the frontpage along with all the frontpage modules.
you can select any other menu item where those articles should open along with the modules which have been assigned to that particular menu item. you could also disable the setting completely.
in joomla 2.5
the articles will open inside the frontpage automatically. if you don't like that, simply create a new menu item for that article/those articles. let's take a practical example. if you are using roktabs for example and find that the roktabs readmore links open your articles inside the frontpage you need to create a new menu item for the roktabs articles. go to your menu manager > mainmenu > NEW > category blog layout... then name your new menu item for example 'my roktabs articles blog' and select the same category of articles that is being used in your roktabs module settings. after saving you have now a new menu item where those roktabs articles will open.
you can now configure through the module manager which modules you would like to be displayed or not displayed in those new pages. if you do not wish to show this new menu item, you can move it out of the mainmenu to a newly created menu which you could call the 'hidden menu'. so go to your menu manager and create a new menu called hidden menu. then move the 'my roktabs articles blog' menu item from the mainmenu to the new 'hidden menu'. then go to the module manager and open the module for the 'hidden menu'. make sure it is set to published, but do not assign it to any pages. that should be it.