In general, error 500 is always related to a misconfiguration of server environment, wrong file or folder permissions that are encountered while executing php scripts etc. You have to contact your hosting support regarding such error messages and ask them to tell you exactly what was the cause of it (by checking server error logs). Without proper explanation there is no way for us to suggest anything useful
Hi Igor, attached are the server error logs... I was trying to upload RokGallery but its showing RokCommons being the issue... Should I just delete out RokCommon our of the plugins/system folder?
I am having the same Rok Commons problem. This is what my server guys diagnosed it to be;
"It looks like this Joomla install is missing some required library related to a plugin you have. Here is the error message it's writing to the local error log file.
As it's related to the script itself or plugins, our assistance is unfortunately rather limited.
[20-Jun-2013 12:28:50] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'RokCommon: Unable to find the RokCommon library at /home/gtatscom/public_html/NewGTASite/libraries/rokcommon' in /home/gtatscom/public_html/NewGTASite/plugins/system/rokcommon/rokcommon.php:110
Stack trace:
#0 /home/gtatscom/public_html/NewGTASite/plugins/system/rokcommon/rokcommon.php(57): plgSystemRokCommon->loadCommonLib()
#1 /home/gtatscom/public_html/NewGTASite/libraries/joomla/plugin/helper.php(194): plgSystemRokCommon->__construct(Object(JDispatcher), Array)
#2 /home/gtatscom/public_html/NewGTASite/libraries/joomla/plugin/helper.php(125): JPluginHelper::_import(Object(stdClass), true, NULL)
#3 /home/gtatscom/public_html/NewGTASite/libraries/joomla/application/application.php(229): JPluginHelper::importPlugin('system')
#4 /home/gtatscom/public_html/NewGTASite/includes/application.php(116): JApplication->initialise(Array)
#5 /home/gtatscom/public_html/NewGTASite/index.php(30): JSite->initialise()
#6 {main}
thrown in /home/gtatscom/public_html/NewGTASite/plugins/system/rokcommon/rokcommon.php on line 110
Still having issues... The server company (Rackspace) cannot pull server error logs... This the is the best I can do... Here is my PHP error log is saying... Further more, I changed the name of my rokcommon directory in the plugins/system folder to rokcommon_old the site came back up but I get some errors... go to
to look at the live site.
PHP Error Log...
Stack trace:
#0 /mnt/stor2-wc1-dfw1/403949/ plgSystemRokCommon->loadCommonLib()
#1 /mnt/stor2-wc1-dfw1/403949/ plgSystemRokCommon->__construct(Object(JDispatcher), Array)
#2 /mnt/stor2-wc1-dfw1/403949/ JPluginHelper::_import(Object(stdClass), true, NULL)
#3 /mnt/stor2-wc1-dfw1/403949/ JPluginHelper::importPlugin('system')
#4 /mnt/stor2-wc1-dfw1/403949/ in /mnt/stor2-wc1-dfw1/403949/ on line 110
[12-Jun-2013 16:33:20 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'RokCommon: Unable to find the RokCommon library at /mnt/stor2-wc1-dfw1/403949/' in /mnt/stor2-wc1-dfw1/403949/
I really don't know how can I "think outside of the box here"? :shock: I really don't have a crystal ball to guess what the issue is without an insight in real error log