Well, no gantry less files in that tmp folder after removing the crontab job. I can assure you though, they were on the other server and they amounted in the thousands until I got them all removed and then set up the cron job. I could find no reason why they were there...
Thanks for your help. You can mark this as closed.
I believe you - I think it must have been a permissions thing at some point. But great that it's now all good.
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.
I am having this issue now. It has eaten up all the remaining disk space and has crashed mysql and apache. It doesn't seem to be a permission error, as /tmp looks ok (Apache is being run as www-data).
/tmp$ find . -name gantry_less\* | wc -l
/tmp$ ls -lah gantry_lessKPNMAv
1 www-data www-data 19K Dec 11 06:42 gantry_lessKPNMAv
/tmp$ ls -lah /tmp
total 8.9G
drwxrwxrwt 38 root root 5.6M Dec 19 22:52 .
A quick search of the code find gantry_less files being created at
I can see a create, but no delete. Are the files being cleaned up? Why are the css files being created? Are they not stored with the template? By the looks of the code, it should only ever create the css once, as the css path should remain constant. For some reason, it's not remembering the fact that it has already generated the css, and the generated css is never deleted, causing the disk to fill.
I have not thrown it in a debugger, as this is running on a live deployment. I am only running gantry/rt on on vhost and I am using the rt_metropolis template.
The regular rm gantry_less* fails with too many arguments, and I have had to delete with:
find /tmp -name gantry_less\* -print0 | xargs --null --replace=+ rm +
It will take about 20m to delete all these files, and this is a small disk. This bug could effectively kill a system with an inexperience sysadmin.
Is there any way to avoid CSS compilation? For now, I will add a regular trim.
benow - Ashley Gonzalez is the original poster and he said it was solved - therefore it is - he also said it was solved (and the thread was move to SOLVED thread forum) before you even posted anything - this is exactly why you shouldn't jump in on someone else's thread and certainly not on a SOLVED thread.
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.