Phil Yonge wrote:
I can't find an option anywhere in the slideshow features layout to assign my simple item - image alternative text attribute as shown in the output code below. As you can see the attribute is empty. The image upload popup window doesn't have an option either. Does anyone know where this option is please? Frontend login details in secure tab.
Keep your eyes peeled here ->
as that will be corrected in our RokSprocket 2.1.3 release.
So before we start I want to make sure we both understand the terminology
the <image> alt isn't like a ToolTip so even when its working you won't see it on a valid image. It's only visible when the image doesn't exist in the defined location and the alt is used as a content replacement. It also gets use in e-readers for the the visually impaired.
So in the interim:
1) in the Images & Links section of your article define the alt text and SAVE.
2) Go to
..\templates\rt_vermilion\roksprocket\layouts\features\themes\slideshow and save a copy of item.php
3) in the original file replace the 'alt' parameter with ' alt="<?php echo $item->getPrimaryImage()->getAlttext(); ?>" ' so that it looks like this:
<div class="sprocket-features-img-container" data-slideshow-image>
<?php if ($item->getPrimaryLink()) : ?>
<a href="<?php echo $item->getPrimaryLink()->getUrl(); ?>"><img src="<?php echo $image->getSource(); ?>" alt="<?php echo $item->getPrimaryImage()->getAlttext(); ?>"
style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /><span class="sprocket-image-overlay"></span></a>
That's it.