Changing from monthly releases to when its ready releases, need changes in the payment system. You (Rockettheme) ask for more time to develop, but dont give more time to pay. This is unfair and very bad for your customers, who pay for a month of nothing new. And in the consecuence, its very bad for Rockettheme, because you are losing customers.
We are working hard at this. Yes, we had a setback, and as I said numerous times in this thread and others, we are working to address it. But in reality, there are very few Joomla template clubs out there that guarantee any specific regular release dates at all. The ones that did, many of them have gone out of business or have eliminated their clubs entirely.
The benefit of membership has always been support and updates. We update themes constantly. Here is a list of the updates we made to themes this past WEEK:
- Chimera 1.6 Joomla
- Leviathan 1.1 WordPress
- Cerulean 1.2 WordPress
- Metropolis 1.1 WordPress
- Fracture 1.2 WordPress
- Sienna 1.1.3 Grav
- Sienna 1.1.3 Joomla
- Sienna 1.1.3 WordPress
- Photon 1.0.5 Grav
- Photon 1.0.5 Joomla
- Photon 1.0.5 WordPress
- Citadel 1.1.3 Grav
- Citadel 1.1.3 Joomla
- Citadel 1.1.3 WordPress
- Protean 1.1.2 Wordpress
- Protean 1.1.2 Grav
- Kraken 1.2.1 Joomla
- Chapelco 1.1 WordPress
- Hexeris 1.1 WordPress
- Praxis 1.1 WordPress
- Corvus 1.1 WordPress
- Acacia 1.2 WordPress
There are more benefits to membership than simply having a new theme every x number of days. We are working to make this snappier, and recognize this month was particularly difficult, but we need to stress that while it is our goal to release themes frequently, we can not absolutely guarantee a date of release.
Another problem is the Focus on the develop system. You think its best to develop multi-templates, but not. They are more time consuming to develop, and cant attack the needs of a good template. Tell me, if you have a problem with water leak in pipes in your house, you call a technological/multiprofesional, or you call a specialist Plumber?. With the templates its the same. You can create a multi-template to sell to hundred of customers, but just like that, this templates dont go to the design excelence or Personality to a design.
Specific templates are part of our stated goal. We've created several function-specific templates. Remnant and Sienna are examples of this.
Keep in mind though that we can't do that with all of them. Why? Because when we released Remnant we had a bunch of people happy, but another bunch were upset they didn't have a client to use it with so, to them, it was a lost release. The same went with Sienna. If you aren't in the business of building websites for hotels or travel agencies, you might not see the immediate appeal of it.
We can't make everyone happy all the time, but we are working at making products that make a great foundation for a developer to work with to create something that fits their needs. These are templates, not sites-in-a-box. They're made to be worked with, for developers (especially you professionals out there) to use to save time.
What if Interstellar, can add the
Book Block of Sienna
? This add more specific uses to Interstellar, and can be used in websites for Hotels with more specific solutions. But not only this. When you create a good particle, for example the
Audio Player in Remnant
, you have work advanced to the next template. Can be a new Concert-Theatre template with Audio Player particle inside, for example.
What you're suggesting is a Particle marketplace where you can download particles individually and apply them to a theme. Otherwise, we're creating these particles with their own unique styling for every individual template...which ups the amount of development time required.
We have said in the past that this idea is on the list of ones we'd like to tackle down the road. It won't happen today, though.
Another problem here its the Flat design. From
we only have Flat designs. This days i see in the forums "Flat is trending", "Customers need Flat design". But no. You are wrong. The people need templates that excel from another websites, with special things and with details difficult to see in other template providers. Make the same of others and you lose customers.
Acronym has some flat elements, but if you want to find a design philosophy to tie it to it isn't flat. It's material. Drop shadows, layers, etc. All present in Acronym. The animations are very 3D, as is the placement of images. wrote:
Finally, an updated graphic of your Team. What is the work of Flavio? and Marge?. Tell me about corrections and i update this.
I'm not going in to what individual tasks every person on that page is assigned at a given time. Just as you wouldn't necessarily want me going to your place of work and digging in to the individual duties and to-do lists of its workers.
There's a line there, and I've already said as much as I'm going to say about our staff's role in a template release.