The following users have thanked you: Hugo Avila, Klaus Deisenhofer, C-T-O, djSoft, Helal
[quote="djSoft" post=1377838]Hello Ryan,
I wanted to ask if there is any news about the new template.[/quote]
Absolutely. We're wrapping up our sandbox build right now. That enables us to go in and add the text and images that make up the demo content, home page, etc. Once that is done, the template goes in for a bit of testing and we tackle and bugs that appear before ultimately releasing it.
We do not ever give ETAs on new templates because we don't know how long different steps will take until we've reached them. But, most of the work is done and we're about to start with the fit and finish portion. It won't be released this week. Next is possible, but we don't know how many tickets we'll be working on once we get into testing until then.
2 months gone and the template is not out... Why do you offer subscriptions?
Subscriptions give you access to support forums, like these. As well as updates and patches as they become available for our entire library of templates. All at once.
What you might not have noticed is that we released several big updates to templates in our catalog in the time since Fluent was released. Including:
[li]Several others...[/li]
These are updates you wouldn't receive without a subscription. Many of them included updates and changes that were requested by our users.
how dare you to ask for a "self-imposed, that is becoming longer and longer, and no one can question even if you paid a membership" time frame, poor fool, go ahead and give yourself some spanking
We have never, ever, under any circumstances told anyone they can't question our release schedule. We have revised it, and explained in countless threads why this happened.
Fluent was well received. It didn't get that way by rushing it out the door. It came about because we turned down the first few design concepts and refined it before going with one we were all comfortable with. If you prefer that we go back to 4-week turnarounds and push out templates that "all look the same" or "don't do anything different" we're open to having that discussion, but we believe that it's more important we focus on creating a good template than a fast one.
We've leveled with you before, several times. We have a smaller team now than we used to have. That's a fact, and we're working harder with that smaller team than ever before. While other Joomla template providers are closing, we're still producing Joomla templates as a priority - despite its collapse in market share year-over-year for the past five years.
Add to that the fact that we're working to make our library compatible with Joomla 4, which is a big undertaking because Joomla 4 breaks a lot of backwards compatibility with J 3.x templates. This is no easy task, especially when you consider how many Joomla templates we support, in addition to two frameworks and a host of extensions.
We are dedicated to maintaining our product quality and keeping the doors open for our customers. This isn't a time to cut corners and push out templates just to meet an arbitrary deadline that we have long since explained was hurting more than helping.
We apologize greatly for any inconvenience this brings about, and we certainly value your feedback.
The following users have thanked you: Stephen Cassidy
The following users have thanked you: David Goode, Kat05, djSoft, MrT, Ryan M Pierson
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