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Ownership and file access issues

  • Ownership and file access issues

    Posted 18 years 1 month ago
    • I've been running into this problem when I've been trying to customize elements of a template. I know this has been discussed here and on the Joomla forum as well.

      This is the problem where you are not able to overwrite or manipulate a file because "you do not have permission" even though the chmods are all set correctly.

      There have been several solutions discussed:
      • Use JoomlaExplorer Component to modify/overwrite file
      • Unpack the file locally and upload via ftp instead of using the integrated installer
      • Contact your host and have them modify the ownership
      • Use Shell/telnet access to change the ownership

      Personally, I prefer working with my ftp client and all its automated interaction with my text and graphic editors, so while JoomlaExplorer works well, it is not my prefered solution--although it is handy sometimes and is a must have. I prefer to have my options open as to which tools I use to work with files. Unpacking a file and uploading it via ftp takes too long--especially when compared to the upload time of a compressed file. I don't have shell/telnet access on my hosted site.

      The best solution for me has been to use the file manager in cpanel to upload into the template folder and unzip the file. The ownership and permissions are correct and it allows me to work with the files in any manner that I like. The uploading and unpacking is very fast.

      Just thought I would share as this must be an incredibly common problem.

    • Last Edit: 18 years 1 month ago by Stephen O Connor.

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