ups, sorry, I just wanted to share you a script to "free" that I use a lot in my development. And as I saw your site handles events, I figured you would be useful
Delivering team building events, website development and a serious passion for photography
Re: Event site using Zephyr
Posted 14 years 3 weeks ago
No problem graphixx .. you posted that when I had already received 100 Viagra emails, 100 I've won the lottery emails and another 100 looking to invest 1.5 million emails!! Your post just came on the wrong day!
Sometimes it's just not worth chewing the straps to get free!
Great design, just one remark, I've try to access the site from high and slow debit connexion, the first one is perfecty in time, but the second case, the garphics seem to heavy. if you can compress or use any compressor without loosing the quality (that's challenge) it'll be find.
Delivering team building events, website development and a serious passion for photography
Re: Event site using Zephyr
Posted 14 years 2 weeks ago
Thanks Bel for your feedback.
I have managed to reduce some of the images by half especially the background effecting the quality only slightly! I read once that a person developing his site would notice and focus more on image quality than the average Joe visiting your site would notice! Also there's no point in having extremely high quality images if the site opens slowly and your client goes elsewhere! I was also surprised to find the gtranslate module (with flags) was also quite large so I removed it! You should notice a difference now and once again thanks
Sometimes it's just not worth chewing the straps to get free!