No your intro and your design and features are great...
The content doesn't get are motors running. LOL Not that the content is bad for what it is used for (more power to them), but if the content was on like extreme sports or something "guy" cool you wouldn't hear the trailing remarks about the content.
So, don't mistake the ummmm remarks as negative towards your's just that it is like tuning into a Incredible Extreme Opening of a show on TV and thinking - "wow this is cool" - only to find out your watching - Lifetime the womens channel. (Please excuse me - no offense intended - the lifetime does wonderful work and I am sure the content of the site is wonderful for its audience)
Last Edit: 17 years 4 months ago by .
"You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.
I thought that the intro was absolutely mind blowing... Unfortunately the site didn't do it justice.
I appreciate your honesty, but can you tell me what exactly you don't like ?
And thanks to others too ! )
I agree completely with Jamie's comments, but I'll say again that the intro is one of the most stunning that I've seen... not just within this community, but on the web as a whole.
My previous comment wasn't quite accurate. The site structure is first class, it's the content that I don't like - but the content has a lot to live up to after the intro.