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PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    • Carl Walsh's Avatar

    PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    Posted 17 years 6 months ago
    • Hey, just went live with joomla for the first time using the Mobius theme. Previously had a basic html site which became a chore to update every day. Did a few changes to the theme, and added a slideshow to the main page.

      I like it, but I'd like to get your thoughts, suggestions and opinions on it!

    • Joe K's Avatar
    • Joe K
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    Re: PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    Posted 17 years 6 months ago
    • The site? looks great.

      The pop ups are overpowering and personally if I went there once to read something I would never go back. Sounds harsh, but 12 pop ups from clicking just two links is insane.
    • Last Edit: 17 years 6 months ago by .
    • Carl Walsh's Avatar

    Re: PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    Posted 17 years 6 months ago
    • Yeah I hate them too, but we have to pay the server bill somehow.
    • Joe K's Avatar
    • Joe K
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    Re: PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    Posted 17 years 6 months ago
    • Is it not paid hosting or are you adding them?
    • Carl Walsh's Avatar

    Re: PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    Posted 17 years 6 months ago
    • It's paid hosting, the server costs around $150 a month. We add the pop up code and get paid by the ad company and use that money to cover the server cost.
    • Joe K's Avatar
    • Joe K
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    Re: PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    Posted 17 years 6 months ago
    • Damn, if it is costing that much your site must be pretty successful. If someone is paying that bill than more power to you. I couldn't take it though :(
    • Carl Walsh's Avatar

    Re: PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    Posted 17 years 6 months ago
    • We do between 15 and 25K uniques a month, which isn't bad. But yeah, servers are expensive :(
    • Robert D. Wagers's Avatar
    • Robert D. Wagers
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    Re: PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    Posted 17 years 6 months ago
    • I avoid sites like that... If popup adds are overwhelming as they are with your site, they will chase-off more people and thus defeat the purpose that they were put there to begin with.

    • "Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up! "
      A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers
  • Re: PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    Posted 17 years 6 months ago
    • Another bonus to being on a Mac - no popups! If popups DID come up, I probably would not be back, though. They annoy the heck out of me.

      The site looks very nice, though.
    • --
      Heather M. Claus
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  • Re: PowerWrestling.com - Mobius Theme

    Posted 17 years 6 months ago
    • It is not your pop ups - it that your pop ups suck - most don't work - they just show up blank and mess up the layout of your site. I went to the homepage and a big pop up was hidden behind all the pictures on the front page...

      $150.00 server cost! Chump change - so, the excuse of "bad pop ups" means your shooting yourself in the foot by chasing the money and not keeping your eye on the ball.

      No, you won't find any of my sites that feature pop-ups or interactive ads in any of the sites featured here (on rockettheme), but user friendly applies to the site, the ads and anything else you decide to do on the web... Oh, I am aware the obnoxious works, and all the other blackhat tricks, but -- your featuring "PowerWrestling", which the wrestling market is huge.

      Answer this - How long have you been up and running, how big is your customer base and then compare it to the people over that time - who just left your site, because of bad popups or incorrect interactive ads. Do you think how much more money you could of made and how much bigger your base could be? Do you think that the people who left - never to return sent you an email to let you know? One of the nice things about what you are seeing on this site is - your getting feedback.

      Plus, what if popup blockers are on? Are you missing out on sells because of your lack of other forms of ads or interactive ads?

      If your site is getting that traffic - 50,000 impressions should equal 500 clicks resulting in 50 sales (that is $110.00 per sale for me and that is just one site) - this is not true in all products but it is a rough estimate to help you go by

      - if your ads are getting lots of impressions and no clicks - the ads suck - change them
      - if your ads are getting lots of impressions and clicks, but no turn over - then your products sucks - find a new product

      If your are not looking at like that or something similar and just looking at the cost of server and having to just throw something up there - again, chasing the money and not keeping your eye on the ball.

      take it or leave it...but ads in the site (PLACED WITH SOME THOUGHT BEHIND THEM, TRACKING ETC...) vs. the pop ups you have now...might greatly increase your $$$ and return traffic.

      Oh and if the pop ups are just paying you a flat fee vs. well placed commission ads - again shooting yourself in the foot.
    • "You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.

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