Custom Development: Custom logo, minor modification of firenzie template, extensive mods on virtuemart component
Any specific areas of my site that I'd like feedback on: ease of use from a potential customer's standpoint, professional feel, design cleanliness
Additional Comments: Just switched my site from being based on Replicant to Firenzie, very happy with the results so far. Looking for any comments or suggestions you may have!
The name of the site is great and the products are wild. I think the site looks great except I was disappointed that there wasn't an actual worm (one with a big smile) in the logo.
On a serious note the only real thing I am not a fan of is when a page gets really long and the color gap ( where the fade is) gets too far apart.
Although this product has it's own issues, what really threw me was that the guy is wearing glasses in the shower.
Jia Lu: What do you mean when you say, "Firenzie with blue color can be too neat for your products"? Judging by your laugh afterwards I assume it was a joke, but I don't get it.
Joe K: The worm is being worked on... it's hard to design a funny looking worm that doesn't look like a snake or look too childish. I agree with the color fade, not sure what I am going to do about it.
Daniel, Thank you for pointing that out to me. I tested the site in IE7, Firefox, and Opera but did not catch this. Might be something with PNG images. I changed them all to JPG then tested it on IE6... Fixed!
Can you or anyone else confirm "when you click on an image to view full size, it takes you to the home page." I cannot seem to duplicate this.