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My first site

  • Re: My first site

    Posted 17 years 4 months ago
    • Hasty reply as I'm about to go out!

      The width of the different parts of your site are usually set in the template.css file - though not always. Often you can specify the width of the left and right modules and the main body space then gets what is left once the width of the overall template has been set. I'm not sure which template you are using - will look later. However, regardless of the width specified if your images are wider they will push the right modules out.

      When you change the overall width see if you can find the module width and subtract it from 950 or whatever, then use the JCE image editor to make your images fit the new template style.

      Sorry this is vague - but hope it points you in the right direction. I'm not an expert - probably just like you but a year further on :)

      Must rush!

  • Re: My first site

    Posted 17 years 4 months ago
    • Hope you had a good time where ever you went

      Thanks for your help again, I will continue to play about

      What sites have you done, If you dont mind me asking.... Just being nosey really

  • Re: My first site

    Posted 17 years 4 months ago
    • I agree with the images. If you have trouble understanding correct sizes just take a screen shoot of your site PC CTrL+ALT+PRT SCR. Then paste the picture into a Fireworks file, After you have done that crop the picture down to the size it displays on the site. Delete everything there, after that is done you will have a blank file that is the correct size. Let me know if this does not make sense.

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