My website redone with joomla and using the Dimension light version. Hope you all like it. I still need to fix some IE6 problems but its a work in progress. Thanks for looking and happy holidays!
All I really did was use the light Dimensions mod from Rocketlabs as a starter. I used their "style 1" for the css and then modified that by adding the background time change code from the original Rockettheme Dimensions "Style 1" css file.
I changed some small things like the content icon graphic into pine trees instead of the circle. Mainly because trees are a major part of my artwork so I wanted something that would reflect that even though its just a small part. I moved the search box to the User 2 position and the login also (which is from Community Builder). When I changed the inset text I also added some canvas area in Fireworks to the right side to push the slideshow box to the right more. There is probably a better way of doing that but I know nothing about HTML or CSS. In fact this is my first experience with Joomla at all. So, I kind of had to fudge my way through it by trial and error (lots of error!) and with help from the forums.
Anyway, the slideshow is JW Simple Image Rotator. I used that because for the graphics on my site I also used their Simple Image Gallery Pro. Which lead to conflicts with Rockzoom, moomenu, and Rockslide. But I didn't need to use those so for me it wasn't a big deal. Geez, I am trying to remember what I did now. Basically I just put most of everything over into the User 2 position since I dont have a lot of text or items where I need a lot of moduls. I deleted out the code for Rockslide per a thread on how to do that here in the forums. I did add just a little more space in the footer to accommodate my logo down there. Really, other than that it's mostly a combination of the Dimension light mod and the background changing script form the original version of Dimensions with my own artwork.
I dont know if any of my ramblings here helped. Like I said earlier I am totally new to all of this. But I am really glad I made the jump to Joomla and Rocketthemes!
I don't think I've ever seen a better match. Dimensions light looks like it was tailor-made to fit around your art. Did you actually paint all that stuff?? AMAZING!
I just assigned them to the "user 2" position in the modules section. The login section is from the component Community Builder by the way, but it will work for the default template login module.
Thank you so much for looking at my site and the compliment. Dimensions light is so much fun to work with and was exactly what I was looking for. The guys at RocketTheme and RocketLabs did a great job. Yes, that is all of my artwork by the way. I have a lot more I need to put on there soon as well. Thanks again for looking!
I made an art site using the same template, but not the light version. it's
. It's one of my project sites. When I first saw dimensions, I thought that it was made specifically for artists.