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Member Sites by Template

  • Re: Member Sites by Template

    Posted 15 years 5 months ago
    • Site Name: Drama Resource
      URL/Link: www.dramaresource.com
      Concept: Educational resources for drama teachers
      Extensions: Joomla Sidebars, Mini Front Page
      Category: Education and Reference
      Template: HiveMind
  • Re: Member Sites by Template

    Posted 15 years 5 months ago
    • Site Name: Regeneration
      Concept: Giving people a better understanding of the Christian faith.
      Extensions: Rokslideshow
      Category: Culture and Religion
      Template: Dimensions
    • Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Kat05.
    • steve c's Avatar
    • steve c
    • Sr. Rocketeer
    • Posts: 129
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    • Call Center Dispatcher

    Re: Member Sites by Template

    Posted 15 years 5 months ago
    • Site Name: Nightmare Studios
      URL/Link: http://www.nightmare-studio.com
      Concept: I run a Machinima Group, and this is for all the members, fans, and others to come socialize, keep track of what were doing, and discus about prior, or upcoming Movies.
      • Rok Slideshow
      • Rox Box
      • Rok Bridge
      • Rok Download
      • RT member Login
      • Pay Pal Donations
      • PhpBB3 Latest Topic/Post
      • PhpBB3
      Category: Games and Community
      Template: RT Versatility IIII

      Steve C
    • Live Site: www.judgegame.com
      Live RokBridge Forum: www.judgegame.com/forum/
      Joomla Version: 1.5.22
      PhpBB version: Soon 3.0.8
      Template: Tachyon by RocketTheme
  • Re: Member Sites by Template

    Posted 15 years 5 months ago
    • Site Name: KulturUngdom.se
      URL/Link: www.kulturungdom.se/
      Concept: Just finished my site for an non profit organisation in sweden.
      USED PLUGS: (Comunity builder, Acajom, Eventlist, Jom Comment, Udde IM, and alot of self written scripts...)
      Category: Art and Design
      Template: Hyperion (updated to Voxel
      This image is hidden for guests.
      Please log in or register to see it.


      Well almost finished with my new site, some design left.
      .. maby you can get some inspiration here :oops:
    • Last Edit: 11 years 2 weeks ago by KulturUngdom.
  • Re: Member Sites by Template

    Posted 15 years 5 months ago
    • VolksFans's Avatar
    • VolksFans
    • Jr. Rocketeer
    • Posts: 37
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    Re: Member Sites by Template

    Posted 15 years 5 months ago
    • Site Name: Volks Fans
      URL/Link: www.volksfans.com
      Concept: A Social Networking Site for VW Enthusiasts
      Extensions: Jom Social, Kunena, JomComment, MyBlog, Highwood Video
      Category: Automotive
      Template: Akiraka
    • Michael S. Wilson
      Lovin' Me Some RocketThemes

      Hey all . . . I am always interested in hearing from others what I can do to improve my site! Stop by www.volksfans.com and PM me some input.
  • Re: Member Sites by Template

    Posted 15 years 4 months ago
    • Site Name: Wake Up!
      URL/Link: www.wakeup.com.ec/
      Concept: Improving life style
      Extensions: Rokcandy, RokAjaxSearch, RokNavMenu, RokTabs, ChronoForms
      Category: Wellness & Fitness
      Template: Akiraka
  • Re: Member Sites by Template

    Posted 15 years 4 months ago
    • Site Name: Atlanta Youth Soccer Association
      URL/Link: aysa.net
      Concept: Youth Soccer League
      Extensions: Frontpage Slideshow, JEvent, Joomleague and many more
      Category: Sports
      Template: Chromatophore
  • Re: Member Sites by Template

    Posted 15 years 4 months ago
    • Site Name: Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church
      URL/Link: risingstarmbc.com
      Concept: Rising Star church website. We are in the progress of building and expanding our online presence. We're trying out several various add-ons and options. I'm sure we'll grow this over time.
      Extensions: Rocktabs, RockNavMenu, several Joomla! extensions including Community Builder, yvComment, Employment Listing, JCal Pro, and more.
      Category: Culture and Religion
      Template: Akiraka
  • Re: Member Sites by Template

    Posted 15 years 4 months ago
    • Site Name: Six String Planet
      URL/Link: sixstringplanet.com
      Concept: Worlwide community for guitarists with a magazine look and feel
      Extensions: Community Builder, Fireboard, JVideo, JomCommnet, Acajoom, UddeIM
      Category: Music, Broadcasts and Radio
      Template: Mixxmag

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