Other Features: JotForm Integration, Zenfolio Integration
This is my first submission to the Member Site Showcase. I've customized RocketTheme sites for a couple of years now but haven't had a chance share my work...so here ya go!
I look forward to your comments!
Hi, I'm Jeddy. I LOVE customizing RocketTheme sites! My partner and I run
Lethbridge Web Design, a small town, web design company based in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Hi, I'm Jeddy. I LOVE customizing RocketTheme sites! My partner and I run
Lethbridge Web Design, a small town, web design company based in Lethbridge, Alberta.
just wondering if there is something wrong with my browser? (ff 3.5.6)
NAK & Kat, thanks for the feedback!
Kat, hmmm...wonder why it's displaying like that. I've also got ff 3.5.6 and it seems to be displaying correctly on mine.
Here's a screenshot:
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Hi, I'm Jeddy. I LOVE customizing RocketTheme sites! My partner and I run
Lethbridge Web Design, a small town, web design company based in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Strange...I see the photo of the woman overlapping the 'Commercial' graphic, too...and using FF 3.5.6 (and the same result using IE8).
Thanks for the heads up gang.
Any tips for a fix?
Hi, I'm Jeddy. I LOVE customizing RocketTheme sites! My partner and I run
Lethbridge Web Design, a small town, web design company based in Lethbridge, Alberta.