I see the same thing as Kat. A quick fix would be to change the z-index to 0 on line 388 of your template.css file.
Jamesso, thanks for the tip!!!! I really appreciate it. I've gone ahead and made the fix. I also resized the image. I think these did the trick. Kat05 wrote:
jeddy and terp which os are you using? i am on windows.
Using a mac, but I went to browsershots.org and checked ie8 on windows and I think I saw what you were seeing. I've made the changes above and it fixed it!
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Thanks Gang! You guys rock!
Hi, I'm Jeddy. I LOVE customizing RocketTheme sites! My partner and I run
Lethbridge Web Design, a small town, web design company based in Lethbridge, Alberta.
For those of who were curious of what the site looked before, here's a screenshot of the original site:
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Hi, I'm Jeddy. I LOVE customizing RocketTheme sites! My partner and I run
Lethbridge Web Design, a small town, web design company based in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Hi, I'm Jeddy. I LOVE customizing RocketTheme sites! My partner and I run
Lethbridge Web Design, a small town, web design company based in Lethbridge, Alberta.