Matt Mansfield wrote:
The site looks great guys!
My only quibble is that the events strip on the home page (which show "next" through "event 16") seem like they should be clickable. A better usability solution may be to have them clickable to event detail pages OR to have a link there that says, "View the upcoming events" and then you go to a page where you can put more context around the event images.
Again, GREAT work!
Thank you everyone for there kind words and feedback
As for the clickable event icons, I was aiming to do that when I first came up with the idea but wanted to produce a popup rather then a redirection to a new page, I couldn't find out how to do it in time. An example of what I mean is on this site:
I believe they are using the JCE lightbox plugin, can RokBox do something like this?
Webeez - Thanks for that, I'll have a go at fixing it once I get some time.