Not really much to talk about this site.
It contains almost no pages. Its function is to link to other sites (wich look horrible, I'm not responsible for that )
Interesting perhaps:
Frontpage centers itself (via css) to the viewport like an old-school-splash-page.
Roktabs-slider on the frontpage featuring prev and next buttons (Djamil showed me that trick in the chat some time ago).
RT demos show always how to manage many content-items.
But the templates can be used for very simple and low content sites as well ...
Hoping for some coments ...
(btw.: its german ... )
Nice and clean with lots of colour. I don't speak German so can't say much about that but the only thing I did notice ( that bugged me) was that after you hit those arrow buttons the one on the left brings up a dotted rectangle which goes all the way across the screen.
Might just be my computer
noticed that already Terp. Seems my centering of the frontpage wasnt such a brillant idea ... I will change that I think ... anyway its just a change in the page-suffix.