I read the forum nearly every day and every since James S! has joined the Rockettheme "MOD SQUAD" he has been a REAL TROOPER. He is almost always the first to jump in on a thread to help out a newbie... and he always follows up until completion.
He has dedicated his spare-time and resources into helping out "the newbie" and/or even the "not-so newbie." All time is valuable and I, for one, thank him for his contribution and dedication to the club.
Way to go James and keep up the good work!
"Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up!
" A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers
This guy has got more skills and a fantastic attitude and he's only 16 years old (IIRC).
Bloody amazing!
I second the nomination of J!ames as the MVM of 2007!
PS: Great thread Wage!
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