hi there,
the way our subscription system and forum access are currently set-up, only active members are having access to the club-specific forum boards and downloads.
this does not mean though that this is going to stay like this forever.
in fact, there are a lot of changes planned for the new RTv3.
Another big feature that has taken a huge effort is the rewrite of the 'club' code that powers RocketTheme. We've spent a lot of effort to improve the current system to allow for more sophisticated 'packages' and also the ability to purchase individual items! What this means is that you will have the option to either join the RocketTheme clubs as you always have, or to purchase access to an individual item and and its respective forum and documentation forever. This has been the most requested feature here at RocketTheme for quite some time, and we intend to offer both club and individual item purchase options so everyone can choose the option that works best for them! I'm really excited to be able to make this functionality available for our customers.