<%@ Language= "VBScript" %>
<title>Example 1</title>
<font face="MS Gothic">
<H1>Welcome to my Home Page</H1>
'Create some variables.
dim strDynamicDate
dim strDynamicTime
'Get the date and time.
strDynamicDate = Date()
strDynamicTime = Time()
'Print out a greeting, depending on the time, by comparing the last 2 characters in strDymamicTime to "PM".
If "PM" = Right(strDynamicTime, 2) Then
Response.Write "<H3>Good Afternoon!</H3>"
Response.Write "<H3>Good Morning!</H3>"
End If
Today's date is <%=strDynamicDate%> and the time is <%=strDynamicTime%>
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