If I understand you correctly you wish each image on your displayed page to point to a different article?
Your first two images point to the same one as you have two image tags inside the single <a href></a> link, the others have no href links attached to them.
All you need to do is create a separate link for each image <a href="page address"><img src="source address of your image" /></a> - 26 links for 26 images
If I have misunderstood you then simply ignore the above
that sounds right, but i thought if i selected each individual image and create a link to the correct url, applied and then selected the next image and carried on through the images, then that would be correct, i will have a look at your suggestion.
The image isn't the link, it is only replacing the "text" part of the link, the actual link itself is in the first part of the href tag. It will be a little time consuming to do it, but you will need to create a different "tag set" for each of the 26 pages that you wish to link to.
If you created a single composite image of all 26 then you could, as Mariela suggested, use an image map, that comes with its own problems, not least of which is you would have to create a new composite and change the mapping each time you wished to update your page. Using separate links as you started out to do, will mean that you can update/change your main page fairly quickly and easily.
Of course put the correct image URL, link URL and image size.
The member formerly known as Roland Deschain After your question is solved, please Edit your original post and choose the Solved message icon, thank you!
right i have followed your code roland and that seems to work as long as i enter it as html and not via the chain/link option in joomla.
but when i check the links on the page i have what looks like a underscore between each image which isnt really what i want when it should jsut be the image that is the link
The member formerly known as Roland Deschain After your question is solved, please Edit your original post and choose the Solved message icon, thank you!