Thanks for the reply back.
The code in the module is:
<div><script type="text/javascript">
var uri = '' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11);
document.write('<sc'+'ript type="text/javascript" src="'+uri+'" charset="ISO-8859-1"></sc'+'ript>');
It should appear on the this page:
The code in the article is:
<div id="lipsum"><p align="justify" >With the popularity of the Internet, websites are a great means for businesses to establish, promote and consolidate their branding. Websites can be used as a platform to communicate and interact with existing customers and potential customers alike.{loadposition advert1}</p>
There should be a 200x200 pixel banner at around the end of the first paragraph but it doesn't seem to want to appear in either explorer v7 or latest firefox browsers.
Content - Code Hightlighter (GeSHi) is enabled in plugins
Editor - No Editor is set to no editor in plugins
user - administrator is set to no editor in user manager
Editor - TinyMCE 2.0 is still enabled in plugins although I have not turned this off to test it yet in plugin manager
System legacy is enabled although I have now uninstalled old plugins that were J!1.0.x so I could probably turn that off too in plugins manager.
Content - Load Module is enabled in plugin manager
I did notice that the editor buttons were still enabled in plugins but if the editor is turned off they should not appear and probably do not affect this particular problem.
I hope there is enough information to solve this, in the meantime I will keep trying. I even tried {rss}link{/rss} to no avail but got around that by using the standard feed page instead.
It seems that nothing that is put in the custom code area is showing in regards to adding modules etc in the article. There has just simply got to be something I have overlooked.