This is something I need an answer to as well. If nothing else, can we use a "wrapper" somehow to display the original website article? This would keep people on my site while allowing them to read content created by other sites.
Okay, Lets put it thid way: Is it possible to embed php codes in joomla content.
a code like this:
$olderror_reporting =error_reporting(0);
include ("".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS
There is a Mambot/Plugin, that lets you include/execute PHP and thelike in Content. I'm not sure, if it comes with Joomla by default - else check
Isn't the question really asking if you can take RSS feed, have them posted as Content? Yes you can. FeedGator is one that does that, plus a few others.
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I am unable to find a plugin or mambot that executes php in content. By any chance do you remember the name of any extension that would do this?
The member formerly known as Roland Deschain After your question is solved, please Edit your original post and choose the Solved message icon, thank you!
You can use the link above, but be fore warned that trying to get an answer in the forum or from the Dev is like pulling teeth. I ended up uninstalling his products from lack of support. To this day months and months later I have not received an answer to any posts I made.
I use feedgator and have it setup on a cron job that pulls the rss feeds every hour on the hour to keep my news fresh. I have 1000's of news content within my site from it.